For the last four decades, HACE has been committed to the Latinx community, specifically dedicated to the employment, development, and advancement of current and aspiring Latino professionals.  We are incredibly proud of the legacy we have created -advocating for access to high quality employment opportunities, supporting policies that promote Latinx inclusion in executive level leadership roles, and serving as staunch advocate against pay inequality.  Over the course of two days, we brought together a diverse array of senior corporate leaders, educators, and elected officials, as well as current and aspiring Latino professionals!

Missed the event? Gain access to some of our top sessions when you fill out the form below.

DEI Chain


This track will help leaders in various capacities explore ways that data can help them do more. Attend dedicated discussions with other ERG/BRG leaders, Chief Diversity Officers and more!

Prefessional Dev Chain



This track will help you focus on ways you can take your career to the next level, with speakers from various industries and workshops tailored to help you walk away with key action items!

Talent Aquisition Chain



Our Talent Acquisition track will challenge employers to be intentional, transparent, and accountable in the hiring and retention of Latino talent.

HACEUnited: Accelerating Equity with Action and Accountability

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HACE awarded 20 students nationwide with the Dr. Vinny Caraballo scholarship totaling 19 scholarships.


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HACE  celebrates the 15th Anniversary of Mujeres de HACE! In honor of the anniversary, 15 program alumnae were recognized. 
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The Women of HACE Journal book is available on Amazon! Purchase your copy today for yourself or a friend! 
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