Another Year of Transition: Tips on Making the Most of It

As people welcome brighter days, they are also exploring the idea of transforming the way they do their usual 9 to 5. A vast number of individuals are diving headfirst into career changes, as others try their hand at an all-remote or hybrid work setting or a combination of both. Still, for some there is less of an opportunity to quit their job or for wiggle room in flexibility. Which of these situations do you find yourself in?  

For those of you who are diving deep into a career change:  

Be Sure of What You Don’t Want  

  • Feeling stuck in a job that leaves you languished and unmotivated, causing a trickle-down effect on your peers, coworkers, and the company as a whole can be counterintuitive and a sign that the time has come to boot. Knowing what you don’t want will bring you closer to what it is you do. 

Be Mindful 

  • Give yourself time to strongly consider your wants and needs. 
  • Pursue careers that align with your passions, values, skills, and your lifestyle. 

 Get Proactive  

  • Do a check-in with a career advisor or mentor that can guide you along with your transition.  
  • Once you’ve gathered plenty of information about your field of interest, get acquainted with professionals in that sector. This not only makes the process of finding a job less lonely, but gives you a natural boost in getting a job quicker. Use LinkedIn to find people to connect with in your specific area of interest.

In addition to networking with individuals in your same line of work, work towards completing the steps to getting hired. Our Resource Center serves as an outlet for resume building, preparing you for the interview, and getting you ready to land the job in your new career. 

For those of you who have some flexibility with your current employer:  

  • Identify where your maximum productivity lies. If an all-remote setting keeps you focused the most, go for it.
  • Be transparent and intentional with your preferences when asking for changes in your work arrangement. If you prefer a hybrid work schedule, be firm when expressing your wants and needs. The benefit of between in-office and home has proven to create a happy and healthy work-life balance that promotes well-being in employees. This increases their overall productivity, collaborative abilities, focus, and adaptation skills. 
  • Make your manager aware of the positive impact working remotely has made on your work performance. They will most probably vouch as a witness if this rings true.
  • Have a plan and offer check-in opportunities for your manager as you both work to find the best balance. One-on-ones with your manager helps you to address your work balance concerns, and to also build a relationship that is bound to be more cohesive and honest than before.  

If you find yourself without the flexibility you prefer, (for example, if your employer isn’t offering it), consider the following:  

  • Consider the type of flexibility you are looking for in your work schedule. Is it all remote, mostly in-office or mostly remote? Does your preference in flexibility positively or negatively impact your work obligations? Asking yourself these questions will help you to figure out if you need to re-evaluate your need or desire for flexibility. 
  • If you find that it is in your best interest, (as well as your company’s) to pursue flexibility within your work schedule, then it may be a good time to present a proposal to your manager making the request. Flexwork at Harvard University can help you through this transitional process with their resource page: Harvard's Information For Employees. 
  • If making a proposal is not an option, prepare yourself for a career transition that meets your work balance needs. Start with polishing your resume and making it career-transition ready for a company that will offer you flexibility. This could mean that you work on a resume builder or seek professional help. See how to change careers in a smooth and efficient way above. What type of balance are you looking for in your work schedule?  
  • What value can you add to your proposal for this flexibility with your current employer?  
  • In what ways can you spiff up your resume before  starting your career transition to a company that will offer you flexibility? 

When you have decided on the direction of change you are likely to pursue, go at a smooth and steady pace to meet the finish line. 

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